If you have any comments or improvements please contact me by mail HB9ZS
For the proper operation Alpha 87a
you need to update your Linear Amplifier to:
AlphaMAX firmware (Ver 1.00AT)
Alpha 87a Communication can be used either stand alone to control the Alpha 87a amplifier or together with several CAT-Control programs to use the frequency settings of the transceiver for setting band and segment of the amplifier. For some programs you need to install the additional Comm Server, for DXLab Comm Server is not necessary (see below).
Connecting an individual TRX to Alpha 87a Communication by the Omi Rig interface
Connecting DX4Win Logger to Alpha 87a Communication by the SteppIR Interface of the DX4Win Logger
Setup of the N1MM
Logger to Communicate with Alpha 87a Communication
Alpha 87a Communication may be used together with the utility Comm Server as interface between Kenwood (TS-450, TS-950SDX), Yaesu FT-2000, ICOM IC-7000, ICOM IC-7800 and the following logging programs:
To use this feature please download and install "CommServer"
Use the drop down menues for COM port settings and the selection of tranceiver
and programs as shown below.
Alpha 87a Communication
Alpha Control
Alpha Control min.
Comm Server TRX
DXLab Application
If you intend to use Alpha 87a Communication together with
DXLab you have to start the DXLab application CI-V Commander prior to the Alpha
87a Communication.
If you start Alpha 87a Communication before the DXLab Application CI-V Commander
started you will get the following information.
After clicking "OK" you have 30 seconds time to start the CI-V
If Commander did not start you will get the following
After clicking "OK" Alpha 87a Communication will
be stopped.
If you still want to use the program together with DXLab you have to re-do the
process, i.e.
start CI-V Commander first, then start Alpha 87a Commander again.
Set the COM port using the drop down menus of the program. Any
free COM port between 1 and 20 can be used.
Standard: Com1, Speed: 4800, Parity: None, Databits: 8, Stopbits: 1
Alpha Control min.
Ham Radio Deluxe TX VFO selection by Pushbutton
The Field Linear consists of six pushbuttons with the same function as
the switches on the amplifier front panel.
The first box is the "Band" selection
(MHz). With the Mouse and a click onto the arrow in the box, the band
information will be indicated. A click onto the band-frequency will select the
band. The second box is the "Segment" selection. With a click onto the
arrow in the "Segment" box, the "Segment" information will
be displayed. A click onto the "Segment" frequency will select the
frequency range of that Segment.
The Meter Panel can be arranged either horizontally or vertically by adjusting t
he vertical or horizontal size of the window
Diagnosis Windows will allow you to communicate direct with the Alpha Linear Amplifier
which is very convenient for trouble shooting.
The diagnosis menu will be opened by clicking "Program" -->
The diagnosis window will give you the following standard information of the linear
A list of soft- and hard faults can be found in the Alpha 87a manual.
The window "Send to Alpha 87a" allows you to send "Remote
Commands" to the linear as there are listed in the manual of the linear
amplifier. Each command must be finished by the keyboard entry