Setup of the N1MM Logger to connect the Alpha 87a Communication Program

Only for Alpha 87a Communication  Release 5.1.1 / March 2012 and newer.

Setting Up UDP Broadcasts:

For the UDP broadcast from the N1MM Logger to the Alpha 87a Communication Program 
there are some lines that need to be added manually to the N1MM Logger.ini file. 
This has to be done with an external text editor, such as Notepad 
or Wordpad (there is no UI for this option). Do not use a word processing program, such 
as Microsoft Word. 

When the section [ExternalBroadcast] is not there it must be added. An example is: 


Setting Comment 
DestinationIPs= Start with IP address (the pc you are running on) and add 
other PC's IP-addresses (space delimited). You can send to multiple 
IP addresses in the subnet by specifying 255 for the last octet. 
E.g. will send to all computers that are in the 192.168.1 
subnet. Do not specify 255 in the higher order octets, or you will risk 
broadcasting to the internet. While eventually the packets will be 
discarded by the internet, it will not endear you to your ISP.

DestinationPort= The UDP port to use. Defaults to 12060

IsBroadcastAppInfo= False. Broadcast Application Info. Defaults to False 

IsBroadcastContact= False. Broadcast Contact Info. Defaults to False 

IsBroadcastRadio= True Broadcast Radio Info. Defaults to False

Setting up Alpha 87a Communication Program.

Start the Alpha 87a Communication Program.
In the Menu "Program" click to "N1MM Logger"

The Program will be started in the N1MM Logger Mode and the Window N1MM-Freq Readout will be opened.
As soon the Frequency of the Transceiver change the communication starts.

The Frequency will be also displayed
in the "TRX Freq." of the Alpha 87a Communication Program.

30.03.2012 / HB9ZS