DX4Win Connected to Alpha 87a CAT           28.Feb.2011 HB9ZS


If you are using the DX4Win log program the easiest way to connect the Alpha 87a CAT program is by the RS 232 port of the DX4Win SteppIR output. In this configuration you only need to set up the Transceiver in the DX4Win program.

The communication protocol of the SteppIR output to the CommServer of the Alpha 87a CAT program is always the same, the popular Kenwood protocol.




Comm Server of Alpha 87a CAT


Settings in the Comm Server are:

-         “Mode” à “DX4Win as SteppIR”

-         “Program” à “Comm Settings”

-         “Commport” equal to the DX4Win settings

-         “max Speed” equal to the DX4Win settings

-         Dataformat:

o       Databits 8

o       Parity None

o       Stopbits 1





The setup of the port is in the DX4Win program “File” à “Preferences”

Tab “Control. Set the “Port” equal to the “Virtual Serial Port”. Please use the same Baud Rate as you will setup in the CommServer of Alpha 87a CAT. In “Band Enable” check all Bands. Set “Take output from” to “Enable”.


DX4Win:  Fileà Preference


30.03.2012 / HB9ZS ©