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COTA - SOTA etc.

Hartwig Kauschat
Thürachstrasse 26a
79189 Bad Krozingen


Namaste !

Since many years I am travelling to India for business reasons. Since then, I have met some Indian hams for eyeball QSOs like VU2WAP Miku, VU2ZAP Raj both from Bangalore, VU2YK Rahul and his brother VU2RAK, both from New Delhi. Others to follow ;-)

One more person to mention is VU2RBI Bharathi, who helped me a lot obtaining an Indian ham radio licence.

I was applying for the first time back in 2007, did send a bunch of paper after my online registration, some people of whatever ministry visited the location which I mentioned in my licence application and interviewed colleagues of our Indian associated company, but then nothing any more.

In 2011, René DL2JRM/VU3RYO encouraged me to apply again but to contact Bharathi for additional support. Together with her I visited the authorities, talked to many of the employees in the "supply chain", waited another 3 months or so and was ready to give up again. Finally I got an e-mail stating "congrats for the licence..." Since April 9th, 2012 I am holder of the call VU2HBC. The QTH is located in the city of Gurgaon, south-west of New Delhi (WWLoc ML88ML).

Since then, I could operate a few times with my IC 7000 or my IC 746 and either a G5RV or a Triple-Leg for 20m. Unfortunately the QTH is located in an industrial area and the noise level is quite high, that's why I can copy obviously strong stations only.

By accident I had a contact with Rajesh VU2OEC on 20m in 2012, he lives just a few kilometers away from my hotel. Since then, I a meeting with him and some friends during my stays to Gurgaon for sharing stories and ham experiences, and of course for nice dinners. I specially would like to mention out of this group of friends VU2UUU Kaustav with his wife VU2VUV Tarveen, as well as VU2ATN Atanu, who supported my activities since 2014.

QSL's via my homecall in DL - please find details here: QSL-Policy

Hope to see you down the log