QSL-Info: via DARC bureau, direct
or via OQRS through Clublog.org.
Because of many cards
returned in the past, I only will answer incoming QSLs (direct
or via bureau). The conditions regarding QSLs can be found here:
French Guiana, located
in the north-eastern part of South America, is a French
overseas département and an overseas region. It is about 83.534 km² big and had in 2013 about
inhabitants (just a bit more than the city of Freiburg, where I am
member in the local DARC chapter AØ5). The capital city is
Cayenne, which has around 58.000 inhabitants and is the biggest city
in French Guiana. Besides Cayenne, the city of Kourou is known for the
European Space Agency's main spaceport, from where e.g. ARIANE rockets
are launched. On Devils Island off the shore of Kourou, there was a
penal colony, where Henri Charrière was imprisoned and successfully
fled (according to his book "Papillon"), describing his experiences.
1973, his memoir was adapted as a movie under the same name
"Papillon", starring Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman.
My friend DH1BL Bruno of Freiburg
has taken over in 2017 a 3-4 years' assignment at a school in French
and is active under his call FY4VA. He invited me to visit him, which of course I appreciated very much.
The QTH of
Bruno is located a few kilometers south of Cayenne. Of
course I will to use my stay also for amateur radio -
sitting one more time on the other side of the pile-up. The station of
Bruno consists of a 5-band-Spiderbeam for 10 to 20m with the WRTC 40m
extension. Additionally, I planned to set up a 40m Triple Leg vertical
antenna for comparison (the Spiderbeam extension was not bad at
am using my Kenwood TS 590SG, linked to HamRadioDeluxe and
DigitalMaster 780 as I want to be QRV in DigiModes as well.
In 2017 I was running my TS 590SG barefoot, in
2018 I have been adding an Italian amplifier RF-Power HLV 1k3+ to benefit of the
maximum legal power of 500W.
The schedule of my (planned) activities: 26.11. - 07.12.2017 FY/DL7BC/p
12.03. - 26.03.2018 FY/DL7BC/p and TO2BC
(in BARTG HF RTTY and WPX SSB contest) 21.03. - 02.04.2019
During my 2017 operation I have logged exactly
2017 QSOs, Hope was big that in 2018 I could get more than only 2018
QSOs in my log. Mission accomplished - 3.991 QSOs in the log.
Hereafter some statistics around my 2017 and 2018 activities:

Some pictures from FY country:

FY4PU Nicolas, Hartwig DL7BC and Bruno FY4VA having a nice wheat beer
@ Palmistes

Visiting Guiana Space Center at Kourou - and the well known contest
station FY5KE

Former Radio France Internation HF transmitter site - now off duty :-(

Nicely decorated old cars ;-)

Panorama picture of the capital city of French Guiana - Cayenne

Hôtel des Palmistes - nice bar/restaurant
Entrance to the Chinese Village at Cayenne

Toucan in the Guiana Zoo
Puma - could be me after a long contest ;-)
big grasshopper, about 8cm (3.2 inch) long

Squirrel Monkeys (Saïmiri) on Ilet la Mère island off the Cayenne
And now - the spider section - don't scroll down if you
don't like them ;-)

"Matoutou" spider, a very gentle one
Teraphosa spider, better not touch it.... |