Funkbetrieb in
Belize, Zentral-Amerika
radio operation from Belize, Central America
Update 14.03.2013 WORD 2008 12.3.1 für MAC
Rufzeichen / Call Sign
Consejo Shores
near Corozal Town in the
Corozal District
Northern Belize, near Mexican border
North America
Maidenhead Locator: EK58UL
CQ Zone: 7
ITU Zone: 11
IARU Area: 2
Time Zone: CST
Central Standard Time (UTC -6, no Daylight Saving Time)
cell phone +501-621 1200
(+501 is the Country Code, not an Area Code of the U.S.)
Station Information
ICOM 756 PRO II, output 100 W
Linear Amplifier: Kenwood TL-922 A, output 500 W
Main Antenna
160 m: 36 m vertical with 3 elevated radials 50 m each in 3 m height, preset
antenna tuner; Link to design of 160 m antenna
(Entwurf der 160 m Antenne).
80 m: half wavelength sloped vertical dipole to mast top, end-fed from ground
by a preset antenna tuner.
40 m: three quarter wavelength wire to 27 m height at mast, end-fed
from ground as above
30 m: three quarter wavelength to 18 m height at mast,
end-fed with other two above by a common antenna tuner and antenna separator
Second Antenna
10 m vertical with 4 elevated radials in 3 m height,
ICOM AT-130 automatic antenna tuner
Receive Antenna
300 m (1000 ft) two wire Beverage for low bands directed 040 degrees to Europe
(switchable to 220 degrees for New Zealand, Australia)
Bestätigung von Funkverbindungen
preferred method of QSL is by Logbook of the World LotW of ARRL. All QSO's are
entered into the Logbook of the World (LotW) of ARRL. But your card is welcome too. Please send your request
for QSL to DJ4KW. QSL-cards
sent via the bureau must be marked via DJ4KW. QSO's will be checked using
the computer log and QSL-labels will be printed
automatically. Please no e-QSL.
All incoming QSL's will be answered. QSL's received from the bureau
will be answered using the QSL-service of the DARC (German Amateur Radio
Club). QSL's received by mail will be answered direct, if self-addressed
envelope and sufficient return postage are supplied; German stamps, 1 IRC, or 2
US$. If insufficient postage or no self-addressed envelope is supplied,
your QSL will be answered via the bureau. If you want to receive a
QSL-card via the bureau, it is not necessary to send your QSL-card.
You can send a QSL-request with your QSO-details by E-mail to: v31yn (ät)
For a
complete photo album please see
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Der Leguan
(Wish Willy) ist ein typisches Tier in Belize, ungefähr die Größe einer Katze.
The Ieguan (wish willy) is a typical animal of Belize, about the size
of a cat.
Operation in 2013
(DJ4KW/V31YN) and YL Gisela (DK9GG/V31GW)
Please see
Operation in 2012
(DJ4KW/V31YN) and YL Gisela (DK9GG/V31GW)
(DG7RO/V31TF) and YL Alexandra (DO5ALX/V31RU)
06-Jan-2012 Landing in Belize
28/29-Jan-2012 CQ WW 160m CW
01-Feb-2012 – 08-Feb-2012 Operation V31YN/P from Blue Marlin Lodge IOTA
number NA-180
11/12-Feb-2012 WPX RTTY
18/19-Feb-2012 ARRL International DX Contest CW, Saturday 0000-Sunday
25/26-Feb-2012 CQ 160 m SSB
Rückblick / History
Operation in 2011
(DJ4KW/V31YN) and YL Gisela (DK9GG/V31GW)
(DG7RO/V31TF) and YL Alexandra (DO5ALX/V31RU)
06-Jan-2011 Arrival in Belize
29-Jan-2011 CQ WW 160m CW
02-Feb-2011 – 08-Feb-2011 Operation V31YN/P from Blue Marlin Lodge IOTA
number NA-180
05-Feb-2011 FOC Marathon (activity weekend, no contest, calls from
non-members welcome at V31YN)
12-Feb-2011 WPX RTTY
19-Feb-2011 ARRL International DX Contest CW, Saturday 0000-Sunday 2359
25-Feb-2011 CQ 160 m SSB
27-Feb-2011 End of operation
QSOs, 25 % in contests
333 RTTY
0 Fone
91 AS
29 AF
88 SA
13 OC
CW QSOs on 1.8 MHz
Operation in 2010
(DJ4KW/V31YN) and YL Gisela (DK9GG/V31GW)
(DL6RAI/V31RI) and YL Luise (DL2MLU/V31MU)
14-Jan-2010 Arrival
29-Jan-10 CW
WW 160 m CW
01-FEB-2010 – 07-FEB-2010 Operation V31YN/P from Blue Marlin Lodge IOTA number
05-Feb-10 FOC activity weekend
13-Feb-10 WW
20-Feb-10 ARRL
27-Feb-10 CQ
160 SSB
28-Feb-2010 End of operation
02-Mar-2010 Flight back
Operation in 2009
(DJ4KW/V31YN) and YL Gisela (DK9GG/V31GW)
17-Jan-09 Arrival
CQ WW 160 m CW
30-Jan-09 FOC Marathon,
activity weekend
14-Feb-09 WPX
21-Feb 09 ARRL DX
Operation V31YN/P from Blue Marlin Lodge IOTA number NA-180:
25-Feb-2009 Arrival
04-Mar-2009 Departure
12-Mar-2009 Flight
Bands Modes Continents
----- ----- ----------
1581 160m 4812
CW 1736 EU
1943 80m 678 RY 255 AS
350 40m 5 PH 38 AF
512 30m
3341 NA
197 20m
109 SA
13 15m
15 OC
12 12m
7 10m
Operation in 2008
(DJ4KW/V31YN) and YL Gisela (DK9GG/V31GW)
12-Jan-08 Arrival
01-Mar-2008 Flight
26-27 Jan 08 CQ WW 160m CW. 612 QSOs, 54 states/provinces, 43 DXCC
01-03 Feb 08 FOC
members activity weekend
160m 61/80m 101/40m 87/20m 57/15m 45/10m
0 QSOs
25 DXCC entities, 5 continents, 8
stations on 5 bands
09-10 Feb 08 WPX RTTY 80m 158/40m 206/20m 32/15m 30/10m 1
16-17 Feb 08 ARRL DX CW 516 QSOs
V31YN V31GW (c) 2008 DJ4KW DK9GGclick on pictures to
enlarge, picture will open in a separate window, close window after viewing |
Bottom row: |
Operation /P from Blue Marlin Lodge IOTA number NA-180 for one
19-Feb-2008 Arrival
26-Feb-2008 Departure
566 QSOs
Total 4239 QSOs
August 2007 - Hurricane "Dean"
Photo NOAA GOES-EAST of Tuesday August 21st 2007 at 08:45 UTC (02:45
local time)
Our location is on the lower edge of the red marked hurricane zone near
the border between Mexico and Belize.
Picture: Cumulative wind history of Tuesday August 21st 2007
We did not receive any news from Consejo till Thursday August 23rd
morning. There were reports from and,
but the news teams did not come further than the district capital Corozal Town,
about 10 miles South of our location.
At the location of V31YN many trees were unrooted and the roof of the
restaurant was almost completely blown away, and there was damage to the other
buildings, but nobody was hurt. The 120 ft antenna mast withstood the 165
mph winds, V31AE had already hurricanes in mind when he designed it for us,
well done Robert! We lost all elevated radials.
Cell phones worked again Wednesday Aug. 22nd 4 pm, but
still no electricity, no water, no internet. The Prime Minister of Belize declared
the Corozal District a disaster area after extensive damage to homes and the
mass destruction of crops.
Operation in 2007
(DJ4KW/V31YN) and YL Gisela (DK9GG/V31GW)
11-Jan-07 Arrival
12-Jan-07 Start of operation
03-Feb-2007 two additional operators joined:
(DL2SWW/V31FG) and YL Gabi (DF9TM/V31DG)
Shores and Turneffe NA 123 |
All four operators were active from the Turneffe Reef, IOTA number
NA-123 for one week V31YN total 3650 contacts 26-Feb-2007 End of activity
in contests (times in UTC, local time 6 hours earlier)
27-28 Jan 07 |
Saturday 0000 - Sunday 2359 |
10-11 Feb 07 |
Saturday 0000 - Sunday 2359 |
17-18 Feb 07 |
Saturday 0000 - Sunday 2400 |
24-25 Feb 07 |
Saturday 0000 - Sunday 2359 |
in 2006: 13-Jan-2006 ... 20-Feb-2006 from Consejo
Shores Link to design of 160 m antenna
(Entwurf der 160 m Antenne) |
Station: ICOM-756 PRO II, 100 W output, Antenna 160 m:
36 m vertical with 3 elevated radials 50 m each in 3 m height, preset antenna
tuner; follow link to design above. 80 m: 41 m sloped vertical dipole to mast
top, end-fed from ground by a preset antenna tuner. Other bands: 10 m
vertical with 3 elevated radials in 3 to 4 m height, manual home made antenna
tuner. DL4RCK logging software RCKLog for CW DX-pedition and contests, RCKRTTY
for RTTY contests.
Total over 3000 QSOs (V31YN 2482 CW QSOs, 52 % on 160 m; V31GW 605
RTTY contacts),
10 10 2
12 1 1
15 115 25
17 39 15
20 176 38
30 38 10
40 604 62
80 200 38
160 1299 49 (54 top band
contacts with JA including duplicates)
13 ... 31-Jan-2006
800 CW-QSOs plus 105 RTTY-QSOs in UK DX RTTY-Contest
and 20 RTTY-QSOs in BARTG RTTY-Contest
01-Feb ... 08-Feb from Blue Marlin Lodge, South Water Caye IOTA
700 CW-QSOs 40, 20, 15, 10 m
09-Feb ... 20-Feb
300 CW QSOs plus 480 RTTY QSOs with V31GW in WPX RTTY Contest and 600 CW-QSOs
in ARRL DX CW contest single band 160 m low power category
in 2005: 09-Jan-2005 ... 01-Mar-2005 from Consejo
29-Jan ... 06-Feb with V31GW from Blue Marlin Lodge, South Water Caye
Station: ICOM-706 MK II, 100 W output; solid state PA
for 160 m, 400 to 600 W output.
V31YN: 3850 CW-QSOs. First contacts into Japan on 160
meters on 21 and 22-Feb-2005
V31GW: 850 RTTY-QSOs in multi-op contest-operation
28-Jan-2005 V31-FOC-members meeting and Central American dinner, in
picture below
V31LZ Rumen # 1826 (LZ1MS) and Elena V31RW (LZ3RY)
V31YN Gerd # 1833 / # 737 (DJ4KW) and Gisela V31GW (DK9GG)
V31JP Joe # 1743 (K8JP) and Bev
Operation in 2004: 10-Jan-2004 ...
28-Feb-2004 with V31GW, from Consejo Shores |
01 ... 06-Feb-2004 with V31GW Lighthouse
Reef IOTA NA 123 |
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separatem Fenster
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Station: ICOM-706 MK II G, 100 W output; solid state
PA for 160 m, 400 to 600 W output.
V31YN: 4500 QSOs in Telegrafie,
davon ein Drittel auf 160 Meter. V31GW: 750 QSOs in Funkfernschreiben im
multi-OP Contest-Betrieb
V31YN: 4500
CW-QSO's, one third on 160 meters. V31GW: 750 RTTY-QSO's in multi-op contest-operation
in 2003: 08-Jan ... 05-Feb-2003 with V31GW, 06-Feb ... 27-Feb-2003 with V31DG,
V31FG, and V31GW from Consejo Shores and San Pedro Ambergris Caye IOTA
5000 QSO's in CW as V31YN (25 % on 160 m) and 1000 in
RTTY as multi-OP stn V31GW
in 2002: 06-Jan-2002 ... 07-Feb-2002 from Consejo Shores and
Corozal Town
12-Jan ... 19-Jan with V31GW
from Lighthouse Reef IOTA NA-123
in 2001: 10-Jan-2001 ... 19-Feb-2001 from Consejo Shores and
Corozal Town
with Gisela V31GW 01... 09-Feb-2001 from Manta Resort Glovers Reef (check Gisela's homepage)
in 2000: 10-Nov ... 16-Nov-2000 from Consejo Shores,
CW/Telegrafie and RTTY/Funkfernschreiben in WAEDC RTTY contest
Station V31YN, nur für digitale
Betriebsarten Morsetelegrafie (CW, Aufnahme nach Gehör) und Funkfernschreiben
(RTTY, PACTOR, BPSK31). Sende-Empfänger ICOM 706, Netzteil PS85. Es
gibt kein Mikrofon und keine Moresetaste. Sendungen für Telegrafie
und Fernschreiben werden nur durch den Rechner getastet. Der Computer
loggt alle Verbindungen, deshalb ist an der Station auch kein Logbuch zu
sehen. 10 Meter Vertikal-Antenne gestattet interkontinentalen
Betrieb auf Kurzwellenbändern zwischen 7 und 29 MHz (Wellenlänge 40 ... 10
m). Die Lage am Wasser bietet optimale Ausbreitungsbedinungen
Richtung USA/Kanada und Europa. Das Glasfaserrohr für die Antenne ist mit
2 blauen Bändern befestigt. Vom SGC 321 Antennen-Anpassgerät gehen
Drähte, je 20 m, als Gegengewicht in über 2 m Höhe ab.
Nachfolgend zwei kurze
Ton-Mitschnitte des Funkbetriebs in Morse-Telegrafie
mit Belgien (ON6DP) und zwei US-Stationen (N4IG und K7ZV)
Slowakischer Station (OM5MF) gleichzeitig mit vielen anderen
Station V31YN, digital modes only: Morse Code (CW,
received by ear) and Radio Teletype (RTTY, PACTOR, BPSK31). Transceiver
ICOM 706, power supply PS85. There is no microphone and no telegraph
key. Transmissions for the Morse code and teletype are only keyed by the
computer. The computer also logs all contacts, so there is no logbook to
be seen on the station. 10 meters vertical antenna allows intercontinental
operation on short wave bands between 7 and 29 MHz (40 ... 10 m
wavelength). The location at the sea offers optimum propagation
conditions to the US/Canada and Europe. The glass fiber rod is fixed with
two blue straps. From the SGC 231 automatic antenna tuner there are wires
with 66 feet as elevated radials, over 7 feet above ground.
Listen to two short sound recordings of radio
telegraphy operation in Morse code
Contacts with
Belgium (ON6DP) and two US-stations (N4IG und K7ZV)
Station calling
from Slovakia (OM5MF) together with many others
Zweiter Standort für Betrieb auf 160 m
location for 160 m operation)
Für Weitverkehr im 160 m-Band auf
1,8 MHz sollte die Antenne idealerweise mindestens 40 m hoch sein.
Robert Müller, V31AE, ermöglichte uns den Zugang zum benachbarten ehemaligen
Mittelwellensender von Corozal. Von der Spitze wurde eine
Drahtantenne in das Sendehaus geführt. Als Gegengewicht wurde das
ursprüngliche Erdungssystem des Mittelwellensenders buchstäblich ausgegraben
und neu angeschlossen.
Im Januar und Februar 2001
wurden auf 1,8 MHz fast 500 Stationen aus Süd- und Mittel-Amerika, Kanada,
verschiedenen Ländern in Europa, Hawaii und der Großteil aus 43 Bundesstaaten
der USA erreicht. Im Jahr 2005 brach der Mast zusammen, wegen
mangelhafter Wartung - nicht durch Hurrikan.
For long distance operation in the 160 m band on 1.8
MHz the antenna should be ideally at least 40 m high. Robert Müller,
V31AE, enabled us access to the former AM transmitter of Corozal Town nearby.
From the mast top a wire antenna was led to the transmitter cabin. As a
counterpoise the former radial ground system of the AM transmitter was
literally unearthed and reconnected.
In January and February 2001 almost 500 stations were
reached on 1.8 MHz from South and Central America, Canada, different European
countries, Hawaii, and the majority from 43 states of the US. In 2005 the
mast collapsed, because of insufficient maintenance - not by a hurricane.
Früherer Mittelwellensender (Former AM radio transmitter) 930 kHz in Corozal Town |
46 m / 150 ft Mast |
Antennendraht an der
Mastspitze |
Bei den UKW-Sendeantennen |
Neuanschluss der "Radials"/Erddrähte (Reconnection of the radial ground wires) |
Betrieb neben dem UKW-Sender (Operation beneath the VHF transmitter) |
Gerd Sapper DJ4KW