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  AMATEUR-RADIO     DX on 144MHz
2 x 9el 2.5wl (own design) with rotatable polarity (0°-180°)
The antennas are a 25ohms design and simply connected together after lambda 9/4 of 50ohm coax (25ohms to 100ohms transformer)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------             Some things still left to improve:
Still I don't have a balun since 2 years now, wich is called "disasterous" by a wellknown antenna-desinger.
You can decide yourself how  "disasterous" it is on my results or compare your receiving synchron with mine.
This is a minor problem in my opinion, but one day I'll use a balun to becalm my psyche ;-)
Smallest stn hrd up to now: was VK3KH at -25 with 1x3wl and 120W abt 2kW erp only (seen on 3 different days)
in horizontal position
turning in vertical position needs 4sec
position 60 deg elevation Hpol
position 60 deg elevation Hpol
position 60 deg elevation Hpol
position 60 deg elevation Vpol
position 60 deg elevation Vpol
position 60 deg elevation Vpol
new gear motors can turn from pol 0° to 180° (from H to V in 3sec)
Extraction from the VE7BQH G/T table
Mounted 2 new gear-motors in march 2011
and a new control (follow up control) link
©DD0VF last updated: 02/10/2018 21:29:56