Subpages currently
2 x 9el 2.5wl (own design) with rotatable polarity (0°-180°)
The antennas are a 25ohms design and simply connected together after lambda 9/4 of 50ohm coax (25ohms to 100ohms transformer)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some things still left to improve:
Still I don't have a balun since 2 years now, wich is called "disasterous" by a wellknown antenna-desinger.
You can decide yourself how "disasterous" it is on my results or compare your receiving synchron with mine.
This is a minor problem in my opinion, but one day I'll use a balun to becalm my psyche ;-)
Smallest stn hrd up to now: was VK3KH at -25 with 1x3wl and 120W abt 2kW erp only (seen on 3 different days)
Extraction from the VE7BQH G/T table
Mounted 2 new gear-motors in march 2011
and a new control (follow up control) link
©DD0VF last updated: 02/10/2018 21:29:56