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  AMATEUR-RADIO     DX on 144MHz
DDØVF/P JO71HB QRP EME     May 1st-3rd 2015 Oberlausitz / Upper Lusatia
vy good signals at this point
vy good signals at this point
vy good signals at this point
the elevation system  ;-)
Zittauer Gebirge in JO70
Kelchstein in JO70
(left antenna) at this point I rcvd the 1st moon signals
(right antenna) at this point I rcvd the 1st moon signals
moonrise - there was a hill with a forest on top behind this trees
antenna:   2 x a bit modified 7el UA9TC 2,675m boom 13.0dBd (with rotatable polarity)
combiner: 2 x 75ohm coax KTR141 75
amp:        homebuild with an single Harris module @320W and inbuild psu
preamp:    HA8ET with additional CBW filter (inside the amp)
coax:       10m H2000 plus feeder: 2m Aircell7+3m Ecoflex 10
PC:          netbook samsung NC10 with homebuild interface
small interface wich fits to the netbook connectors
amp and preamp
surprisingly strong EME signals on a small antenna - see log below
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