Welcome to DL1ORN's Home Page

                          Previous call signs:              Beginners license = DG0JAI                 Novice license = DH1ORN

         I belong to the German Amateur Radio Club, the local radio club being  Aue/Schwarzenberg, DOK.  S 45.
             My name is Simon and location is Raschau, a small town in the eastern part of Germany. (JO60JM) 400m ASL..
                                                 My Packet Radio Station was first erected in 1992.


<>                                                    By trade I am an electrical engineer and I work in the stair lift business.   

                                                         My other main interests are Slow Scan Television  SSTV  and  ESSB Audio

                                           Here's a picture of my analogue slow scan converter,  a modified legendary Robot 1200 C


                                             You will usually find me on short-wave later in the evenings mostly on  3.730 - 3.733 MHZ

                                                  Have a look at some SSTV pictures

                THE  SHORT-WAVE RIG

    YAESU FT757 GX 2                Home Made Equalizers            Hunter Bandit 2000 A
                                                               & Preamps

                SSB, AM, FM transceiver                             Designed by Bob Wheeler    ND2M                           SSB / AM Power Amplifier
           Enhanced SSB Audio                                                                                 
           My main interest in enhanced SSB audio started in 1997 gained from where I had been listening to G0BBD & Co a few years earlier on
           the 20m band. Over the air with the help of Ed G0BBD I built my first equaliser which consisted of a potentiometer, a few resistors and
           capacitors soldered to the mic jack jack of the transceiver in the shape of a ball.This added a touch of high bass and width to the D104
           crystal mic and my interest grew from there.
           Most of the stations at that time who were interested in essb were mainly from the States with only the odd one or two from Europe. Most
           days you will usually find me around 14.178 mhz qso'ing over the pond.

          Transceiver at the moment is a self modified Kenwood 950 SDX




                                         Antenna for 20m 15m 10m 5 element full length

                                                      Periodic 5 C   from Sommer (DJ2UT)


                                       40m & 80m and the in-betweens is an 80m doublet
                                              120m horizontal loop,  80m magnetic loop
                                                                80m 1/4 wave vertical loop                               

                                                                                         Here's a nice Home Brew Site   EI9GQ


                                                       I'd  also like to thank all the people who have helped me with my hobby over the years.


E-Mail dl1orn         

Year 1997